Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ls Mag Video Is Broadcast Media Really Nothing But People Mag. Or Nat'l Enquirer Now?

Is broadcast media really nothing but People Mag. or Nat'l Enquirer now? - ls mag video

I'm on a business trip and watched Fox, CNN and MSNBC a little. Spitzer, of course, everything is new. CNN even had photos of the hotel and hotel rooms for the love of good, because if made the meaning.

What is happening in Darfur, Afghanistan, Iraq, Russia, the meeting between France and Israel yesterday, which in Colombia, the United Nations, whose policy in the debate on Capitol Hill?

The media are not new or even find it useful to consider the sad, sad to say so ...


libstick... said...

The yellow journalism, tabloid journalism, you call it what you want, but it is not new. It is the full op / ed pieces and gossip. The days of Cronkite, Harry Reasoner, Huntley and Brinkley are gone. We lost in the populist press obective money making conglomerates.

A M Frantz said...

At this stage the main difference between the "National Enquirer" is and the media that the researcher has de facto control over their health care stories in gossip.

surfin U S A said...

How can you dare to say that Katie Couric
It really is a serious news journalist LOL

Lillian said...

The media are nothing more than tabloid television. You need the information in 25 words or less preserved to capture the attention of the audience. Many of those who have the attention span of a gnat.

Razgriz0... said...

I agree. I think it is reporting on the important things in the media. especially MSNBC. To check the websites. which are slightly larger, then the sample.

Abby Normal said...

Sure it seems, is not it? The sad thing is that no notes * Get ... Think - It's depressing is that?

Abby Normal said...

Sure it seems, is not it? The sad thing is that no notes * Get ... Think - It's depressing is that?

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