Who do you think is responsible for the current financial crisis? - bank rate monitor
"They were greedy lending practices?
"Bad decisions of borrowers who signed adjustable rate loans?
"The failure of the government to monitor Wall Street?
-The Federal Reserve has hyperactivity getting too easy for the banks money?
Or something else?
Tell me what you think and why. I have a better understanding of the current financial crisis.
Leg of Bush's economy? Get real. The housing market is not a free market. It has stopped, a free market, if Clinton and revised CRA forced banks for loans that do not normally provide. They should comply with a "sub-prime loans only with new states rules or risk the wrath of the Department of Justice.
It quickly became a game of musical chairs. Enter the loan package with other loans and sell them. When buying and selling loans between banks, and hope that he's not the loans stopped.
Had there been a free market, many of these loans in forfiture not been written. It was an artificial increase in the demand for driving an artificial increase in supply. It was a speculative bubble in housing prices that increased the value more than the inflation rate. It was a liquidity crisis as the bursting of the bubble.
It was everything the free market? Absolutely not. This is an example of the game with the markets. Who was that? Clinton and otherDemocrats in Congress. Those who prevented the reforms since he? Democrats. Who is the employment of older government-sponsored enterprises that cause? Democrats.
Too many people with the "American Dream" is looking for a house and willing to be influenced by the banks to make loans that they could not afford. In reality, began in California, where property prices are so ridiculously high anyway, and then began to spread to other places and falling like dominoes. Basically it's just because everything on the list. I think it is a good understanding.
not to blame. Had come to. In history there are rises and falls. We can only hope that the economy is always good.
What is the people that we do not capatslist Reliz. This means that the government should intervene in the economy if the effects of our work security on which the defective cars. People expect to see, Wall Street, but this is not the work of governments.
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